Resources & Services

The Titan Dreamers Resource Center strives to provide students with the resources and training needed to become a successful student at California State University, Fullerton. There are a list of campus and community resources that we find may be useful for undergraduates, graduates, staff, and faculty.  

campus and community resources

Our University aims to enhance its collaborative efforts within the campus community. The TDRC fosters a supportive, welcoming environment for all students and equips them to thrive emotionally and academically. We partner with various offices and individuals to create a safe campus network for students. Additionally, we make recommendations to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs to improve services for AB 540 and undocumented students.


Our mission is to work in a collaborative partnership with students, a shared responsibility where both the advisor and student are equally invested in the educational process and holistic development of the student. Academic Advisement is available on a walk-in basis, so feel free to visit anytime to meet with an academic advisor. To make the most of your time, plan ahead and visit the Academic Advisement Center during non-registration periods. For more information, please visit the Academic Advising Center.

D.R.E.A.M. Co-Op

Diversity, Resilience, Education, Access Movement Co-Operation (D.R.E.A.M. Co-Op) is a student organization at CSUF. The purpose of this organization is to bring awareness to the larger community and first generation college students about AB-540, California Dream Act, Deferred Action and any changes pertaining to immigration legislation. DREAM Co-Op provide self-empowerment to its members through moral support, mentorship and unity. They facilitate information about financial aid resources for AB-540, undocumented, immigrants, and first-generation students, such as available scholarships, job opportunities, and internships. They fundraise to provide opportunities for the advancement of our members, as well as advocate on issues relating to the members in the community.

Undocumented & Ally Faculty Staff Association (UAFSA)

For more information visit the Faculty Staff Associations website.Opens in new window

Titan Dreamers Resource Center Resource Guide

The Pollak Library supports the Titan Dreamers Resource Center with resources and services. This guide offers access to databases, government documents, legal and financial resources and more, for the TDRC and the entire campus community.

For more information, click here to access the Titan Dreamers Resource GuidePDF File Opens in new window .


community organizations

Asian Americans Advancing Justice,
Orange County

Asian Americans Advancing Justice in Orange County stems from from Advancing Justice - Los Angeles which has worked on key legal and civil rights issues affecting Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) in Orange County.  With the support of key corporations, law firms, bar associations and foundations based in Orange County, Asian Americans Advancing Justice are re-envisioning their role in Orange County and building a coalition of diverse AANHPI community leaders, organizers and advocates who can work to address unmet needs, civically engage our communities, and advocate for racial and economic justice.

For more information, call 888.349.9695 or visit

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles

CHIRLA, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, is an immigrant-centered and immigrant-powered organization working to achieve a just society fully inclusive of immigrants. We drive progressive social change by providing direct immigration legal services at low cost to the most vulnerable among us. They organize for immigrants to take active part in the social change we all want to see. They advocate in the halls of power for laws and government policies that benefit and include immigrants in the national conversation about the kind of nation we want to be. For more than 30 years, CHIRLA has been working to expand immigrant rights and defend our community against attacks from those who seek to scapegoat and blame us for systemic problems.

For more information, call 213.353.1333 or visit

Mexican Consulate of Santa Ana

The Consulate's main mission is to strengthen ties with the Mexican community and of Mexican origin in order to provide the services of issuing documents and representing the interests of Mexico in economic, political, cultural, tourist and educational matters.

It also offers assistance in all areas related to the protection and legal support to our community, including immigration, labor, criminal matters and all those related to human rights.

For more information, call 877.639.4835 or visit

World Relief Southern California

World Relief is recognized by the   US Department of Justice   and can represent immigration clients before the   US Citizenship and Immigration Service . Maneuvering through the United States immigration process is a complicated and long-term process. Refugees and other immigrants need to jump through a number of legal hoops to ensure they maintain their legal status here in the United States, can reunite with family members left behind, and gain access to economic and educational opportunities.

World Relief immigration representatives offer legal support to immigrants and refugees to help them through this process.

For more information, call 714.210.4730 or visit