Frequently Asked Questions



Can I go to college if I'm undocumented?

Yes! Undocumented students can go to any college or university in California, as long as you meet the requirements and are admitted/accepted.

When should I apply?

Please refer to the Office of Admissions and RecordsOpens in new window .

How do I qualify to pay in-state tuition?

Please refer to the AB 540/AB 2000 Non-Residency QuestionnairePDF File Opens in new window .

How do I submit the AB 540 affidavit?

To submit your AB540, please follow this link to access the Adobe Sign Form  AB540 FormOpens in new window .

Is the AB 540 information I provide confidential?

Yes! Your privacy is important, and the information you provide is confidential. The records you disclose in your DREAM application and Affidavit are for University purposes only. Please refer to the  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)   to learn more about your rights to privacy, which includes your name, address, phone number, and migratory status.


Who is eligible for statewide COVID-10 relief?

The state of California has a program for immigrants impacted by COVID-19 in the state of California
Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants.

Will my financial aid stop as an undocumented student given recent national statements?

No, your financial aid will not stop. In-state tuition and the CA Dream Act are managed by the California Student Aid Commission, and federal policy does not affect these programs.

Is there any type of aid to help me pay for school if I am an AB 540 student?

Yes, AB 540 students may qualify for various types of aid. After submitting your Dream Application through the California Student Aid Commission, you may receive state grants. State University Grants (SUG) may also be available, as determined by the Office of Financial Aid. Additionally, other university/community college aid programs like the Equal Opportunity Program (EOP), Extended Opportunity Program & Services (EOPS), and the Board of Governors Fee Waiver are available. Scholarships are also an option for further assistance.

Should all undocumented students fill out the CA Dream Act Application?

Yes! If you qualify for in-state tuition through the AB 540 affidavit, it is recommended to complete the CA Dream Act Application. Graduate students may also be eligible for the State University Grant (SUG).


What are my legal options?

Thanks to a collaboration between the CSU Chancellor's Office and the CA Department of Social Services, Direct Immigration Legal Services are available free of charge to all CSU students and employees. Attorneys and paralegals are ready to assist with renewals and general assistance, such as completing family-based petitions. This project serves everyone on campus, including undocumented students, those with immigration questions, staff, and faculty. To schedule an appointment with an attorney, please follow the link below.
Make an Appointment with CARECEN

What are the differences between the California DREAM Act and the Federal DREAM Act?

The passage of AB 130 and AB 131 by Governor Jerry Brown made the California Dream Act of 2011 an effective law in the state. It allows certain undocumented students to receive state financial aid and scholarship funded through private donors.
For more information, please visit the CA Dream Act Website.

Can I still renew my DACA?

Please consult with an immigration attorney about this process. Schedule an appointment using the link below.
Make an Appointment with CARECEN

Can I still meet with an immigration lawyer?

Yes, the CARECEN legal team is available year round. Schedule an appointment using the link below.
Make an Appointment with CARECEN

Mental Health

Can I still talk to CAPS?

Yes. Counseling and Psychological Services is available 24/7 by calling (657) 278-3040. If interested in making an initial or ongoing appointment, please call Monday-Friday, 9:00a-1:00p. For more information please visit, the CAPS website.

If I feel overwhelmed, what do I do?

Feeling overwhelmed is understandable. Here are some ways to find grounding and strength:

  • Take a deep breath in and a longer breath out, splash cold water on your face, and ground yourself with your senses.
  • Tend to your physical needs, including getting enough rest and nutrition.
  •  Connect with your support system — family, friends, allies, colleagues, and acquaintances.
  •  Create and follow a daily routine to help you feel grounded.
  •  Engage in self-care activities such as exercise, hobbies, creative projects, contemplative practices, prayer, or meditation.
  • Give yourself permission to feel and acknowledge your emotions.
  • Ask for help.

Paced Breathing
UCLA Health - Mindful Awareness Research Center
Les Mills - At Home Workouts
Down Dog App
Nike Training Club

How do I support my undocumented family and friends?


  • Stay connected – a simple hello or check-in can be powerful.
  • Offer consistent emotional support by listening and validating their feelings.
  •  Stay informed about news affecting the community by signing up for newsletters or following relevant social media.
  • Use your voice and engage in activism that aligns with your values, like sign petitions or calling elected officials.
  • Practice self-care for your mind, body, and spirit. When you are nurtured, you are in a better position to support those around you.

United We Dream - Mental Health Toolkit

Does CSUF offer resources to support students, families, faculty and staff as immigration rules change? 

Yes, please visit the CSUF Immigration WebsiteOpens in new window  for resources to support students, families, faculty and staff as immigration rules change.